Al-Khair Welfare Society/Business Group(AKBG)
Country | Pakistan |
First Established(Y/M/D) | Al-Khair:1987/BG:2004 |
Legal Status | Registered with local government |
Number of Primary Coop Members and Consumers | AKBG: 5 members , Idara Al-Khair Welfare Society: 15 members , students in schools: 4000 |
Main Activities | Import of used clothes and other household goods from Japan. Export of Pakistani ceramics, handicraft and stitched fabric items. (including used-vintage imported clothes in Pakistan.) |
Vision/Mission |
Website (URL) | |
Alternative People’s Linkage in Asia (APLA)
Country | Japan |
First Established(Y/M/D) | 2008/5/17 |
Legal Status | Incorporated Non-Profit Organization |
Number of Primary Coop Members and Consumers | 323 |
Main Activities | Support for community building with the idea of centering “local production / local consumption”. Promotion of exchange programs and solidarity activities between urbun citizens and farmers. Participation in social movements. Investigation/advocacy/publicity. |
Vision/Mission |
Website (URL) | |
Alter Trade Corporation(ATC)
Country | The Philippines |
First Established(Y/M/D) | 1988/7 |
Legal Status | Stock Corporation |
Number of Primary Coop Members and Consumers | |
Main Activities | Manufacturing and exporting organic and fair trade certified Mascobado sugar primarily to support the displaced sugar workers and agrarian reform beneficiaries to become self sufficient, achieve independence and enjoy life with dignity. |
Vision/Mission |
Website (URL) |
Alter Trade Japan, Inc. (ATJ)
Country | Japan |
First Established(Y/M/D) | 1989/10/20 |
Legal Status | Stock Corporation |
Number of Primary Coop Members and Consumers | |
Main Activities | Development of “People to Peple”trade with partner organizations and producers:Mascobado Sugar, Balangon Banana, Eco-Shrimp, Coffee, Olive Oil, Salt of Gerande, Cacao and processed food using these products as ingredients. |
Vision/Mission |
Website (URL) | |
Country | Japan |
First Established(Y/M/D) | 1969/4/13 |
Legal Status | Incorporated Non-Profit Organization |
Number of Primary Coop Members and Consumers | |
Main Activities | Social activities for the rights of consumers, food safety and self-sufficiency of food, for the promotion of health and conservation of environment, for peace and better livelihood. |
Vision/Mission | Fundamental Principle: To hand over sound life to the future generation. Mission:
Website (URL) | |
Cooperative for Rural Development(CORDEV)
Country | The Philippines |
First Established(Y/M/D) | 2007/10 |
Legal Status | Government registered Cooperative |
Number of Primary Coop Members and Consumers | |
Main Activities | Production and marketing of organic/naturally grown banana, rice, corn, vegetables, coffee, mangos,pineapples, etc. |
Vision/Mission | Mission / Grass roots empowerment through : diversified and organic agriculture and people based enterprises through cooperatives development at different levels.through: promotion of people-to-people trade between communities, regions and with people’s cooperatives in other nations. through: enhancement of the awareness of different sectors in organic and sustainable production; environment protection; the rights of indigenous people to development and self determination; and in the promotion of economic, social, cultural, civil and political rights.Goal / Building a self-sustaining, self-sufficient, self-reliant and independent cooperatives whose members are capable of building their own resources, of producing the basic needs of their family and their community capable of : negotiating for their rights and entitlements; entering into partnership with entities that have similar goals at any levels. |
Website (URL) |
Oisix ra daichi Inc.
Country | Japan |
First Established(Y/M/D) | 1975/8/1 |
Legal Status | Private Organization/Stock Corporation |
Number of Primary Coop Members and Consumers | |
Main Activities | Sales of food items and processed food.Home delivery and wholesale.Restaurant. |
Vision/Mission |
Website (URL) | |
Dure Consumer’s Cooperative Union
Country | Korea |
First Established(Y/M/D) | 1997/12/22 (Established as a Union) |
Legal Status | Consumer’s Cooperative Union |
Number of Primary Coop Members and Consumers | 29 member coops,200,000 consumer members |
Main Activities | Dure Coop is the organization which supplies safe and reliable commodity with the close relationship with consumer and producer. Dure Coop is the organization which encourages consumers to be a ethical consumer and accelerates sustainable production of producer by providing organic agricultural products and fair trade products. Dure Coop makes contribute toward solving social issues such as environment, ecology, welfare with various cooperatives and local community. |
Vision/Mission | Dure cooperative federation aims based on cooperative spirit and help each other
Website (URL) | |
Green Coop Consumers’ Cooperative Union
Country | Japan |
First Established(Y/M/D) | 1988/3/1 (Established as a Union) |
Legal Status | Incorporated Consumer’s Cooperative Union |
Number of Primary Coop Members and Consumers | |
Main Activities | Collective purchase and home delivery of fresh food items, processed food, clothing and etc. Mutual insurance. |
Vision/Mission | 1. Declaration: four Coexostance:=nature and human being, human being and human being, women and men, south and north 2. Principle:
Website (URL) | |
Hansalim Cooperative Federation
Country | Korea |
First Established(Y/M/D) | 1986/12/4 |
Legal Status | Incorporated Consumer’s Cooperative Union |
Number of Primary Coop Members and Consumers | |
Main Activities | Save Our Table
Save Our Agricultue
Save Our Life and Earth
Vision/Mission |
Website (URL) | |
Japan Fiber-recycle Solidarity Association(JFSA)
Country | Japan |
First Established(Y/M/D) | 1995/10/1 |
Legal Status | Incorporated Non-Profit Organization |
Number of Primary Coop Members and Consumers | |
Main Activities | Promtion of recycling clothing. Support for self-reliance of marginalized people.Support for running schools in slums. |
Vision/Mission |
Website (URL) | |
Kdalak Sulimutuk Institute(KSI)
Country | East Timor |
First Established(Y/M/D) | 2002/7/18 |
Legal Status | NGO registered at NGOs’ Forum |
Number of Primary Coop Members and Consumers | |
Main Activities | Attaining fair and peaceful world where all people can live in self-reliance and prosperity of sustainable lives. Mission:
Vision/Mission |
Website (URL) |
Palestinian Agricultural Relief Committee(PARC)
Country | Palestine |
First Established(Y/M/D) | 1993 |
Legal Status | Registered NGO/Stock Corporation |
Number of Primary Coop Members and Consumers | |
Main Activities | Rural development, protection of farmers rights, womens’ rights, emergency relief, export of farm products / processed products, etc. |
Vision/Mission | PARC is a pioneer national developmental organization with a regional trend committed to rural and agricultural development, social justice and national liberation \ We strive to develop the agricultural sector, strengthen the resilience of farmers, reach out to the poor and marginalized groups and their CBO’s, mobilize and develop the capabilities of rural people to enable them to control their resources, through the work of a distinguished professional teams and a loyal volunteers. This has been accomplished through creative programs and transparent management and through technical practices to contribute to the establishment of a free and democratic Palestinian society with the values of social justice. |
Website (URL) | |
Palsystem Consumer’s Cooparative Union
Country | Japan |
First Established(Y/M/D) | 1990/2(Established as a Union) |
Legal Status | Incorporated Consumer’s Cooperative Union |
Number of Primary Coop Members and Consumers | |
Main Activities | Collective purchase and home delivery of food and other items.Mutual nsurance. Education and Training of member consumers. |
Vision/Mission | Fundamental Principle: To create a livelihood affluent in heart and a society with symbiosis. Business Principle: To Conduct business in harmony with environment and contribute to the livlihood of members through cooperative power. Organizational Principle: To care about “coexistance with diversity” and extend the link of cooperation and solidarity. To realize wide-ranging member participation and conduct of the organization open to the community. |
Website (URL) | |
P.TAlter Trade Indonesia(ATINA)
Country | Indonesia |
First Established(Y/M/D) | 2003/5/23 |
Legal Status | Stock Corporation |
Number of Primary Coop Members and Consumers | |
Main Activities | Processing and Export of Eco-shrimp and other seafood products. |
Vision/Mission | Vision:
Website (URL) | |
Seikatsu Club Consumers’ Cooperative Union
Country | Japan |
First Established(Y/M/D) | 1989(Established as a Union) |
Legal Status | Incorporated Consumer’s Cooperative Union |
Number of Primary Coop Members and Consumers | |
Main Activities | Collective purchase and supply of food and other items (product development, delivery and quality control). Publication of PR brochure. Internationa Exchange. |
Vision/Mission | From Seikatsu Club Union Charter:
Website (URL) | |
Union of Agricultural Work Committees(UAWC)
Country | Palestine |
First Established(Y/M/D) | 1986 |
Legal Status | Registered NGO |
Number of Primary Coop Members and Consumers | |
Main Activities | Agricutural services, Advocacy for farmers’ rights, emergency relief, empowerment of womens’ capability, strengthening of organizational and financial resources. |
Vision/Mission | To maintain food security in agricultural society that is firmly connected to its land in free Palestinian independent state, while contributing effectively in social, political and economic life without discrimination.Mission /To improve the living conditions of the Palestinian agricultural society, within a comprehensive framework of sustainable development in a manner that would enhance self-reliance and activate the role of local agricutural committees and the concept of voluntary and team work. |
Website (URL) | |
Yayasan Pengembangan Masyarakat Desa,Papua(YPMD)
Country | Indonesia |
First Established(Y/M/D) | 1984/12/8 |
Legal Status | Registered Foundation incorporated |
Number of Primary Coop Members and Consumers | |
Main Activities | Rural economy development based on local potentials:Economic empowerment program for cacao producing communities with saving program. |
Vision/Mission | To make indigenous local Papuan people self-reliance in economic, social, political and legal aspects along with developing traditional local value and with having them integrated with universal values.Participatory people’s empowerment, education and training, information management and distribution, conflict mediation and economic empowerment based on local capacity. |
Website (URL) |
PACOS Trust (Partners of Community Organizations)(PACOS)
Country | Malaysia |
First Established(Y/M/D) | 1996/7/25 |
Legal Status | Incorporated Trust |
Number of Primary Coop Members and Consumers | |
Main Activities | |
Vision/Mission | |
Website (URL) |
Allah Valley Development foundation Inc.(AVDFI)
Country | the Philippines |
First Established(Y/M/D) | 1989/10/20 |
Legal Status | Foundation |
Number of Primary Coop Members and Consumers | |
Main Activities | |
Vision/Mission | |
Website (URL) |
Alter Trade Employees’ Credit Cooperative(ATECCO)
Country | The Philippines |
First Established(Y/M/D) | 2012/11/1 |
Legal Status | Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) |
Number of Primary Coop Members and Consumers | |
Main Activities | Microlending Project; Do- It- Yourself learning activities; Food safety advocay. |
Vision/Mission | Vision: ATECCO envision a strong and economically viable cooperative, dedicated to uplift the quality of life of its members. Mission: Engage in various enterprises that creates economic opportunities, ensures supply of safe, healthy and traceable products and develop members as consumers and advocates of healthy and safe food. |
Website (URL) |
Alter Trade Timor(ATT)
Country | Timor Leste |
First Established(Y/M/D) | 2008/5/29 |
Legal Status | Limited Company |
Number of Primary Coop Members and Consumers | |
Main Activities | Collect, process and export cofee beans. Assist farmers to produce high quality coffee beans for export for uplifting their standard of living |
Vision/Mission | Sustainable and independent livelihood and social economy for East Timor people. And promote East Timor coffee in the world by improving quality and expanding market through people to people trade. |
Website (URL) |
Altertrade Philippines Foundation for Food Sovereignty, Inc(ATPF)
Country | The Philippines |
First Established(Y/M/D) | 2016/2/20 |
Legal Status | Incorporated Non-Profit Organization |
Number of Primary Coop Members and Consumers | |
Main Activities |
Vision/Mission | Vision – self-reliant and self-determining communties where small producers live sufficiently and ecologically sustainable life with dignityMission – a development organization that aims to alleviate poverty and empowering marginalized producers in rural communities |
Website (URL) |
Country | Nepal |
First Established(Y/M/D) | 1991 |
Legal Status | NGO |
Number of Primary Coop Members and Consumers | |
Main Activities | Budilding capacity and empowerment of low income marginalized, poor and indigenous communities. Focus on micro-enterprise development providing loans to the poorest of the poor through Micro-credit. Traning in technical artisan skills, business practices, enterpreneurial methodologies and financial management.Education on Gender Equality and Social Inclusion as well as prevention of violence. |
Vision/Mission |
Website (URL) | |
Manushi Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha
Country | Nepal |
First Established(Y/M/D) | 2018/11/17 |
Legal Status | D-Class Bank |
Number of Primary Coop Members and Consumers | |
Main Activities | – Identification of target area for Microfinance Program – Identification of target groups – Organizing of pre-group training for motion of groups – Organizing monthly meetings to collect savings , loan installment, extended loans, review problems & needs etc – Organizing regular training activities and other skill development programs |
Vision/Mission |
Website (URL) | |
Country | Indonesia |
First Established(Y/M/D) | 2019/6/13 |
Legal Status | Registered domestic company |
Number of Primary Coop Members and Consumers | |
Main Activities | – Purchase cacao beans from farmers in Province of Papua and processed into semi-finished products and final products in Jawa and export to Japan for selling. – Produce chocolate products from beans at in-house production units and sell them locally in Papua. – Operate Café to promote locally produced cacao products. |
Vision/Mission | – Support indigenous Papuan’s initiatives for economic development with Papuan centered business activities. – Support naturally grown Cacao production by indigenous Papuan farmers so that the indigenous’ life style of living with nature is sustained. |
Website (URL) |