Construction of olive oil filling statioan and warehouse for agro-products

Developing Fair Trade hub for farmers

Mount of Green Olive, establised in 2005, is a marketing arm of UAWC, engages in colletion, processing and marketing in domestic and international fair trade market. MGO purchased a plot of land (partially loaned by APF) for the constructio of olive oil filling station and warehouse for agro-products. New facility has a space for storing and processing of olive pickles, armond, cuscus, harbes and dried tomato.

Loan received by Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC)
Impremented by Mount of Green Olive (MGO)
Year launched (loan period) 11,475,000 Japanese Yen (100,000 US Dollars)
Loan amount FY2016 (8 years)

Activity Map
